Friday, December 3, 2010

What's New

I just redesigned how this blog looks. Let me know if you like it. I am dyeing like crazy getting ready for two events in the next few months.

The first one is in Frederick, MD. The 2011 Indie Artist's Celebration:

When: Saturday, February 26, 2011
Where: The Loft at Antique Imports
125 N. East Street, Frederick, MD
(right across the street from Eleganza Yarns)
Time: 12-5pm

More info here on Ravelry.

The second event is The Olde Liberty Fiber Faire in Bedford, VA

When: Saturday, April 16, 2011
Where: Bedford Lion's Club Community Center
1577 E. Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike
(aka Route 460 East)
Bedford, VA 24523

More info here on Ravelry and here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Sock Pattern with BellaSock

Since I am indeed the world's worst blogger -it has taken a bit of a push to post something. A little while ago, I did a really big wholesale order for Sandra Singh. She has a lovely full service on-line shop, and stocks a few of my sock yarns: Bella and Luxe. One of the designers she works with, Lucy Hilton,  with has released a new pattern, "Pirate's Pearls" featuring Bella sock. It's a lovely pattern which is free if you order Bella or Luxe from Sandra. Check it out.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 2009

I have been so busy with my family and my day job since August that I have barely had time to knit let alone dye up huge batches of yarn. Maybe that helps to explains why I am feeling so unsettled lately. My son moved to his new condo this week, after a hectic weekend of closing, moving big and small things and painting, he is finally settling in and now my house has a huge hole in it. I am happy for him, glad to be able to help him get on his way in life, but so sad that he is not here anymore.

I haven't seen my daughter in three weeks now, because of the college's football schedule she has been traveling and I have been traveling , so we have missed each other in passing. She will be coming home next weekend as the band does not travel, and I will be home at the same time, so that is good.

Our new grandaughter was born at the end of September. Her name is Meadow, and my stupid travel schedule has not allowed me to see her yet. We have a trip planned in Novemebr so that will happen soon. Gerry and Dan did go out as soon as she was born so we weren't complete failures at being grandparents, although I clearly am.

I have been going back and forth to California every other week since mid September, and I don't think it will end any time soon. It is good to be working as it pays the bills and then some, but I wish I had an assignment here. Hopefully next year the project that I've been approached about will happen and I will be able to be working at home.

I have been working out at the gym with a trainer and my good friend Barb. We have made amazing progress, and I have dropped three sizes since May. I always knew exercise was good for you, but I never realized how much I would enjoy it. Traveling makes scheduling the workouts a challenge but when I am home we meet the trainer twice a week, and when I am on the road, I've always been able to find a treadmill. Keeping up this routine has enabled me to eat more of what I like and move away from low-carb. I did not have enough energy for working out without adding in more carbs, so I seem to have achieved a good balance now so let's just hope I keep it up.

I've been knitting on flights, and finished some small projects like a couple of shawls, three pairs of mittens and current project is a Gretel by Ysolda Teague. I should finish that soon and start another on my next trip on Monday.

I've got lots of yarn ready to dye up, but now I just need some time at home without other obligations. I am hoping the first week of November will be that time.

That's all for now. Sorry it such a downer of a post.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sock Summit Chronicles from the Rose City

Hi Everyone! I am here in Portland to attend the Sock Summit. No booth for me just classes, which I am really looking forward to, since I've never taken a knitting class! We arrived in Oregon on Monday, my husband and I, to begin a two week vacation. We spent the first two days in Hood River. Just a beautiful place. We stayed in a really nice bed and breakfast just two blocks from downtown. We walked all over Hood River Monday night when we arrived looking for a place to eat, passing by "Knot another Hat" knit shop on our way, and ending up at the Full Sail Brewery, which was recommended by some friends.

On Tuesday we headed back doewntown to check out the yarn shop. It was just delightful and of course, I bought some yarn! Pictures will come later. We ventured out towards Mount Hood to visit some wineries, and some fruit stands. We bought several bottles of wine to ship back home, and we found an alpaca farms along the way. Several lovely skeins of alpaca yarn found their way into my possession. So I have 10 skeins of yarn and the Sock Summit has not even begun.

We managed to have lunch with our best friends from home who were passing through Hood River on their way back home to Maryland having just picked up their son from a summer internship at a law firm in Portland. We ended up at the Full Sail again, and managed to ferret away a few cases of their beer in Bill and Barb's car so we could enjoy it at home.

The next morning, we started back towards Portland by made several stops along the way along the Scenic route at waterfalls and Bonneville Dam. There were amazing roses there, and since my son let me use one of his cameras, I got some amazing rose pictures, that I cannot believe I actually shot.

More to come tomorrow after all my classes are done. So far, I've learned a lot, and met some very nice folks!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Katie and Me

At my niece's wedding on the Mt. Washington boat in New Hampshire first weekend in June. We had a great time, the photo was taken by my son, Dan.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

and the winner is.....

We're just back from the Sedalia Spring Fiber Festival. It was our first time being a vendor at any kind of venue, and we had a great time! We met lots of very nice people and had a very good day, sales-wise. Lots of people signed up for our mailing list and every person who purchased something had a chance to win one of my hand made knitting bags and the goodies contained therein. We just finished dinner, and we mixed up all the tickets and I closed my eyes and rummaged around in the pile of tickets, and came up witht the winner.

Congratulations to:
Claudette Benavitch! I will be mailing your package first thing tomorrow...enjoy and thanks so much to everyone who came by.

See you next year for sure.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

News from C4D

I am not the world's greatest blogger, I'm afraid! I've been the busiest bee lately as I get ready for my first Fiber Festival! The Sedalia Fiber Festival in Big Island, Virginia! I've being dyeing up scads of yarn to be ready to fill up my booth. Truth is, I am really nervous about this, but my entire family will be along for the ride, my daughter will be home from college the week before, and has already given me a few really good ideas. My son has been helping me with the booth layout, and will be providing some high quality photos for the booth ( nice to have a photo pro in the family), my husband has been my biggest supporter, and has even agreed to wear one of the aprons I designed for us to wear in the booth! The banner is on its way, and I got some wonderful spinning racks for the yarn at a very good price! So now all I need is to dye more yarn and reskein for the next month :)

PS. I've also been making some really cool knitting bags inspired by my daughter, and her idea was to fill one of them up with all kinds of knitting goodies, and one lucky customer will be selected at random to win that cool prize! I will post some photos of the bags when I get the first batch done.